Science Communicator: Peter Sinclair

The second science communicator in this series is Peter Sinclair and is the founder of the website He’s most known for his series Climate Denial Crock of the Week and the series This is not Cool for the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media. For his articles and videos he interviews scientists to create videos on climate science topics, and to deconstruct and rebut climate science myths. For his science videos he has received praise from climate scientists such as Gavin Schmidt, Michael E. Mann, and the late Stephen Schneider.

Why We Became Scientists: Naomi Oreskes

This time Naomi Oreskes shares her story. She is an American historian of science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University. In 2010 she co-authored Merchants of Doubt which describes how the tobacco industry wrote the handbook on using doubt to delay legislative action against the harms of tobacco. The same book also chronicles how the same tactics, and often the same merchants of doubt, are today used to cast doubt on environmental issues like global warming