A Little Policy Change

Yes, it’s time for a little policy change of my blog, or better said a repurposing of my current blog (again). This blog will shift from being a blog about my private life to a blog supporting my online activities.

This means that almost all of my private life activities and photo’s will move to Facebook and Hyves. Now people who are already my friends on those social networks will have noticed this change (if they were following this blog). So for them not much will change.

However if you are following this blog, or find this blog, and you want to know more about what I’m currently doing in my private life I would recommend friending me on one of those social networks (please note I will only accept a request if I know you, so please include at least a hint at who you are in your request, or I will reject it). See the sidebar for any other websites I’m on.

Also there will be a shift to English for the content I publish. Very few posts will also be available in Dutch or published only in Dutch. As most of the websites I’ll be posting supporting content for are in English.

So it’s just a “little” change in how I’ll be using this blog.

Collin Maessen is the founder and editor of Real Skeptic and a proponent of scientific skepticism. For his content he uses the most up to date and best research as possible. Where necessary consulting or collaborating with scientists.