Season 3
By Collin Maessen on commentA brand new year for SkepticTV with again interesting topics and some very special guests.
027 – Past Year
Skeptic TV is back from hiatus after our 12 hour Sense About Science fundraiser show! This show was a recap of last year, discussing things that happened while we were gone, and a couple new things.
Broadcast on 30 March 2013 at 9pm-10pm CEST
028 – Attacks On Climate Science With Michael Mann
This show we talked about the legal attacks against scientists and attempts to discredit legitimate climate research. These subjects, and a few others, were discussed with our special guest Dr. Michael Mann.
Dr. Mann is an American physicist and climatologist, currently director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University. He has become a central figure, and target, in the public arena surrounding climate science since the publication of his so-called “hockey-stick” research.
Broadcast on 13 April 2013 at 9pm-11pm CEST
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