Weird Winter – Mad March

Yet again two great videos from Peter Sinclair (Greenman3610) on the subject of climate change. This time he tackles the weather extremes we’ve seen the past few years. And gives scientists a chance to explain what is causing this, how it relates to global warming (and where not) and what this might mean for the future.

Weird Winter - Mad March - Part 1

This extraordinary mild winter in north america, followed by an unprecedentedly warm march, has shocked a lot of people who formerly dismissed the reality of climate change.
In addition, several years of violent tornado seasons have many asking if we are entering a “new Normal” in regard to our seasons.
For this two part series, I interviewed a number of climate scientists and experts from around the country, and found some surprising answers.

 One of the most confusing effects of climate change is the increasing incidence of weather extremes, that may include hot, AND cold, snow and rain, wet and dry, drought and flood.
Scientists have been examining this problem intensely over recent years, as Europe, America, and Asia have all been subject to wave after wave of record breaking weather events. Now the picture is coming into focus.

These videos give the greater context of one of my own releases. Where I talk about one of the recent cold spells and the outcry from sceptics that this is somehow proof against global warming. A look at a small piece of the bigger picture of the changes in the Jet Stream.

Collin Maessen is the founder and editor of Real Skeptic and a proponent of scientific skepticism. For his content he uses the most up to date and best research as possible. Where necessary consulting or collaborating with scientists.